
Showing posts with the label Indonesia

Kapan Pariwisata Nusantara Bangkit? Mengejutkan Aksi Sebuah Komunitas

Gara-gara pandemi global yang diakibatkan serbuan Covid-19 membuat sektor pariwisata Nusantara terpuruk. Para pelaku wisata semua resah dan gelisah setelah virus Corona menyerang Indonesia. Baik pengusaha dan pemilik usaha yang berkaitan dengan pariwisata maupun para petani dan sektor lain yang mendukung bisnis pariwisata mengalami kerugian besar. Fakta menyakitkan ini memang bukan hanya dialami oleh Indonesia, melainkan hampir semua negara yang sudah mumpuni di bidang pariwisata.  Pendapatan dari pariwisata adalah hasil ekspor yang sangat unik karena dollar dan mata uang lainnya datang dari luar negeri. Devisa ini dibawa oleh para wisatawan manca negara dengan berbagai minat umum maupun unik. Ada yang hanya ingin menikmati keindahan alam dan shopping. Di antara mereka ada yang berminat penuh pada kekayaan seni budaya serta adat istiadat yang sangat beragam di Nusantara yang indah ini.  Meskipun Indonesia tidak memiliki musim salju, ada banyak hal unik yang tidak dimiliki oleh...

OM TELOLET OM has influenced the world of music, business, social and political activities

OM TELOLET OM has influenced the world of music, business, social and political activities. OM TELOLET OM is more than "pop culture". Why? To enjoy happiness sometimes is very simple, as did the ways to make money or surprisingly got new business opportunities and new creativity in music, also in politic. As we know, these days there are variety of videos OM TELOLET OM has spread like a plague globally, not only in Indonesia. At first they were shocked, confused and wondering what it was OM TELOLET OM. Thanks to the power of social media technology, now you have started to understand, right?   OM TELOLET OM bus. Image: Today, millions of people worldwide increasingly recognize Indonesia. Telolet is s sound that sounded very loud honking buses from passing along the path of Java, Sumatra, Bali and elsewhere in Indonesia. As a result of the act of the teenagers that shouted OM TELOLET OM, the bus driver with a taste very excited pressing the horn se...

Waiting for the presidential election in the United States and gubernatorial elections in Jakarta

Waiting for the presidential election in the United States and gubernatorial elections in Jakarta, Indonesia. Competition of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump in the United States and Ahok vs Agus or Ahok vs Badwater in Jakarta will be very interesting to observe. If the United States was busy with the presidential race between Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump to win the White House, then in other parts of the world in Indonesia, precisely in Jakarta - Indonesia's capital - you will also be fascinated by the governor election in February 2017. There are three candidates for governor to become the Governor of Jakarta. They are Tjahaja Basuki Purnama (still serving), and challenged by Anies Baswedan (former education minister), and Harimurti Agus Yudhoyono, a military man with the rank of army major, when he was nominated as a candidate for governor. Agus (left), Ahok (center) and Anies (rigth). Image: Agus Yudhoyono is the son of former President Susilo Bambang...